WHAT IS GREED? Greed is simply means selfishness and covetousness. To explore more, it means the desire of any living thing to have everything one has to oneself, it is an ungodly behaviour that has to do with lack of satisfaction. There are many areas one can be greedy about namely; food, money, power, wealth, etc. Its very easy to spot and recognize a greedy person by constant use of words by them over stuffs, words like I, Me, Mine etc.

In this lesson, we shall learn about some greedy personnels in the Bible such as King Ahab and Gehazzi, the servant of prophet Elisah. We want you all to study also the effect of their greedy behaviour because every greedy behaviour always have its own consequences.


Ahab was the king in Isreal, he had his Palace in samaria. There was a man called Naboth who had a beautiful garden, king Ahab convicted this vineyard and ask Naboth to either sell the vineyard to him or give him for a better exchange garden. But Naboth refuses that is was his ancestors heritage, this make king Ahab sad exceedingly, that he could not even eat nor drink, just when Jezebel noticed that the king was sad and had refuse to eat his food he asked him Why? and King Ahab told her how he wanted to possess the vineyard of Naboth which he refused him blatantly. Jezebel console the king and told him to eat his food that he would acquire Naboth's vineyard at all cost so Ahab drank and ate.

Jezebel [King Ahab's wife] was the tribal woman of Naboth village called "Jezreel" but this did not stop her secret plan to kill Naboth so she set Naboth off by declaring a feast to which she invited all Noble men and women of Letuce, to kill Naboth meanwhile she had already paid to base men [Hired Assassins] who will raise an argument with Naboth at the bouquet in the evening and thereby also accused him in blaspheming God, she fulfilled her mission and at the breakfast, Naboth was stoned to death for crossing God and the king which he never did. Jezebel reported the death of Naboth to the king and told him to possess the vineyard, as king Ahab was in the garden, God sent Elijah to the king to tell him to the collective effect of the vineyard of Naboth he forcefully collected and the killing of the innocent man.


1. We should not be greedy no matter what

2. Excessive greed can lead to destruction either of life and property.

3. Be careful of your answer from a powerful person.


Gehazzi was the servant of prophet Elisah who based in samaria. There came unto him Naaman the Syrian army chief. He was a great man in his nation with landmark achievements as a powerful as he was, their was a cross in his life because he was a leper through the information given to him by his wife an Israelite girl, he went to me meet Elisah to seek a cure for his ailment when he got to the prophet "Elisah" he thought the man of God will by his hand on him which never happened, rather the man of God instructed to go and bathe seven times in the Jordan River, initially he did not want to go because he complained that there were better river nearer and better than the one Elisah insisted on but his servant servant pleaded him and went to the river and deep himself seven times in the water as instructed and his body was fresh as a new born baby.

As appreciation, he shallowed the prophet with gifts but the prophet refused to take the offer which made Naaman sad. Gehazzi could not stand the rejection of the offering so he followed Naaman secretly and lied that his God as ask him to come and collect the gift this made Naaman happy and gave Gehazzi the gift as instructed. Getting back to Elisah, the prophet said to him and asked him where he went but he lied that he went no where but Elisah said was my spirit not with you? For his misdeeds, and as consequences, the prophet told Gehazzi that the leprosy in Naaman should come on Gehazzi and his offspring and Gehazzi left out leprosy from that day.


1. There shouldn't be greediness about anything E.g money, food, clothes etc.

2. Be satisfied with whatever you have and whatever you may have.

3. Poverty is a problem but cannot be solved by greed.


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